Wir lieben Vielfalt und wollen gemeinsam mit euch ein bisschen über den eigenen Tellerrand hinausschauen. Das tun wir natürlich bei gutem (internationalen) Essen und einem Input zu der Frage: „Is there freedom in times of terror and conflicts around the world?“. Eingeladen ist dazu der nigerianische Pastor, Wissenschaftler und Aktivist Rev. Dr. Dogara Ishaya Manomi.
Hier ein paar Infos zu Rev. Dr. Dogara Ishaya Manomi:
Dogara Ishaya Manomi is an ordained Pastor with the Church of Christ in Nations and lecturer at the Theological College of Northern Nigeria. He recently completed his inter-disciplinary doctoral studies in theology and religion (with the highest distinction), with an inter-disciplinary research on biblical exegesis and virtue ethics from the Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany. In 2019 he founded the NGO I-VEED to help child-victims (e.g. of sexual abuse, terrorism and ethno-religious crises) whose educational development has been hindered or is being threatened by poverty.